Our team of accredited, trained and licensed professionals consisting of product suppliers, general contractors, plumbers, electricians, painters, etc. work with people who want to have beautiful homes.
We demystify the elements and principles of home interior design in a way that you can understand. We choose to speak your language so that you can understand and appreciate what a good design can do for you. Designing a beautiful home is not just about design but about life; fit, form and function. Our firm is an advocate of good design while considering sustainability and long term functionality.
We are excited about your design needs and will share with you tricks we have up our sleeves.
Please contact us to discuss a customized design strategy for your home.
Roberta began her career with a manufacturing firm operating the passenger elevator. Working her way up, no pun intended, to Cash Management and then Sales & Negotiations with opportunities to work closer with customers. Roberta finished her career as Project Manager that included office design layout with budget and deadlines playing a major role. The corporate world had served Roberta well but after all these years wanted to be creative and put everything learned in the corporate world into something for the creative world.
After years of helping family and friends with their design and renovations, Roberta also took on real estate staging and floor plan designs helping to make moves easier and more efficient. This combined with years of renovations on her own properties, many said to her you have an eye; a natural talent for this. This is your field. So, she decided to not only listen to the voices of others but the whisper of her heart and go further.
Roberta had gained a great deal of hands on experience and technical knowledge, but wanted to test her ability and decided to pursue a college accreditation. That done; achieving honours; studio 188 design was opened. Roberta set up the companies “A” team consisting of accredited, trained and licensed professionals and the rest is history.